SoftWash Systems Authorized Professionals are our affiliate soft washing companies that exclusively use our equipment, chemicals, and certifications in all aspects of their soft washing company.
These Authorized Professionals have not only met the requirements of being a Certified Applicator but also pledge to our Soft Washing 50 Point Standard. They meet a rigorous qualifying process that includes every one of their employees is certified to their exact job position. These Authorized Professionals also adhere to our Good Stewards environmental stewardship program upholding the highest standards for best management practices within our industry.
Finally, each and every Authorized Professional company undergoes third-party verification with The Seal to determine if they are properly licensed and insured for their state and county, as well that every single employee has been screened and background checked for predatory criminal history that may put our property owners at risk.
Anyone who has earned this status as an affiliate company is fully endorsed by SoftWash Systems.
Completed Certified Applicator Course and Test
Has passed SoftWash Systems certification process including over 20 hours of education.
Hands-On Training Certified
The Seal™ Certified Background Checked
100% Plant Protection Guaranteed
5 Year Spot-Free Warranty on Roof Cleaning
The Seal™ Certified Background Checked
Becoming a Certified Applicator
Anyone can build soft wash style equipment and sell soaps. Only SoftWash Systems offers a turn-key business model with the best tools and support in the industry! If you want to have the support of a nurturing business-oriented community and the leadership of the owner of a multi-million-dollar cleaning company/patriarch of the soft wash roof cleaning industry, then consider becoming an affiliate company with SoftWash Systems.
Our Authorized Professional is the second level for a professional to participate as an affiliate SoftWash Systems company.
SoftWash Systems offers an education that encompasses all levels of professionals, the best support in the industry, the newest innovations for soft washing equipment, and time tested chemicals that do the work for you!
Certified Applicator Course

1. Co-Brand with SoftWash Systems on your advertisements, website, truck, and storefront.
2. Ability to use the Shield emblem on your website and marketing materials.
3. Exclusive access to our Creative Studio for design and marketing needs.
4. Ability to participate in exclusive affiliate programs internally with SoftWash Systems – saving your business money.
5. Ability to receive FREE shipping on orders $200 and above.
6. SoftWash Academy Online reduces learning and training development costs when hiring & continuing education.
7. Have the ability to access additional resources, documents, workbooks to make starting a business easy.
8. SoftWash Academy Online tracks all your CEU’s (Continuing Education Units) for you so you can easily stay on top of training.
9. Assign your employees to specific educational training for different positions on SoftWash Systems Academy Online.
10. Run reports to track progress and completion of courses for your own employees inside SoftWash Academy Online.
11. Free access to the Technical Phone Support.
12. Ability to use the SoftServ™ Invoice System.
13. Ability to purchase the Sales Boot Camp
14. Ability to work with SoftWash Systems Partners with exclusive pricing discounts only available to affiliate companies.
15. Ability to use the Good Stewards logo on your marketing materials and website, with 50 Point Standard signature.
16. Access to Certified Level Classes.
17. Ability to be nominated for Pro Staff or Board of Directors.
18. Access to Authorized Level Classes.
19. Featured on the www.SoftWashSystems.com/locations page.
20. Qualified to receive SoftWash Systems Residential/Small Commercial Referral business from the locations page.
21. Qualified to receive rewards for referring new clients, expanding the network.
22. Ability to participate in the Nationwide 5 year Warranty program.
23. Business Building Monthly POD.
How do I become a SoftWash Systems Affiliate Company?
1. Must be a SoftWash Systems Certified Professional company.
2. Adhere to the Guidelines on the 50 Point Standard and commit with a signature.
3. Must wait 6 months after passing the Certified Applicator process to qualify for Authorized.
4. Acquire the Authorized Professional Program with access to online classes.
5. Pass the 200 question test provided at the end of your Authorized Professional Program track.
6. Complete your Proficency Card with a Pro Member.
7. Exclusively use SoftWash Systems Chemicals.
8. Exclusively use SoftWash Systems Equipment.
9. Use SoftWash Systems Training to train employees.
10. Meet Yearly CEUs.
For more information, please visit: